Supporters’ Club Membership

$100.00 inc. GST

People can provide their financial support for NZ2020 by joining the supporters’ club. We plan to provide product and services in return for your support.



People can provide their financial support for NZ2020 by joining the supporters’ club.

Running an international exhibition is costly. One of the big issues is paying for deposits (such as for venue and accommodation) well in advance of money received from exhibitors, the trade and other sources.

Your contribution to the Supporters’ Club can provide much needed cash at an early stage of planning for the exhibition.

We plan to provide product and services in return for your support. The full details are still to be developed and you will be kept informed as they eventuate. However, we do plan to provide:

  • philatelic product unique to members;
  • advance notice of any special product for general sale that is to be produced; and
  • a special area at the exhibition (a quiet spot to contemplate the exhibition and have some refreshment).

On receipt of your payment you will be personally welcomed and thanked for joining and will be asked if you would like your contribution to be acknowledged on the website, in the exhibition catalogue or if you would like to remain anonymous.